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NWTEMC Tribal Partners

colville tribes
Colville Confederated Tribes

Coeur D'Alene Tribe
Coeur D'Alene Tribe

Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians logo
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians

Cowlitz Indian Tribe
Cowlitz Indian Tribe

hoh tribe
Hoh Indian Tribe

Kalispel Tribe logo
Kalispel Tribe of Indians

Lower Elwha Klallam

lummi nation
Lummi Nation

muckleshoot tribe
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe

Nez Perce Tribe

Nisqually Tribe logo
Nisqually Indian Tribe

nooksack tribe
Nooksack Indian Tribe

Quinault Tribe
Quinault Indian Nation

Quileute Nation logo
Quileute Nation

Samish Indian Nation

sauk-suiattle indian tribe
Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe

Scammon Bay Logo.PNG
Scammon Bay Native Village, Alaska

shoshone bannock tribes logo
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes

Siletz Tribes
Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians

Spokane Tribe
Spokane Tribe of Indians

stillaguamish tribe logo
Stillaguamish Tribe of Indians

swinomish tribe
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community

Tulalip Tribes

no website available
Upper Skagit Tribe

Council of Mekoryuk.jpg
Village Council of Mekoryuk, Alaska




Welcome to the NWTEMC R.A.C.E.S. webpage, a portal for all Tribal RACES groups and information in Washington State.

A list of Tribal RACES groups and licensees can be found in the following excel spreadsheet (note you must have a Secure login username and password): RACES_licensees_tribes.xls

What is RACES?

The Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES) was established under the Federal Communications Commission Rules and Regulations, as part of the amateur radio service. The mission of RACES is to establish and maintain the leadership and organizational infrastructure necessary to provide amateur radio communications in support of emergency management entities throughout the United States and its territories.

RACES is employed during a variety of emergency/disaster situations where normal governmental communications systems have sustained damage or when additional communications are required or desired. Situations that RACES can be used include: natural disasters, technological disasters, civil disorder, nuclear/chemical incidents, acts of terrorism or enemy attack.

A link to the Washington State RACES website can be found here:


Washington State Emergency Mgt Dept. RACES Plan (word .doc)

The purpose of this plan is to provide guidance, establish responsibility, and ensure coordinated operations between State of Washington government officials (state/local) and the RACES organizations during times when there are extraordinary threats to the safety of life and/or property.  Maximum benefits from the RACES organizations can be obtained only through careful planning which identifies the organizations, agencies, and individuals concerned and assigns a definitive role to each.  This plan enables agencies and organizations having emergency responsibilities to include the RACES organizations in local emergency plans and programs.               

 This plan, though issued separately, will be considered as the Tab D to Appendix 1 (Telecommunications) to Emergency Support Function (ESF) 2 of the state Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP). 

This plan can and should be used as a template for Tribes developing their own RACES plan for use as part of the Tribe's CEMP.

2.17.10: NWTEMC Appeal Letter to FCC re: Ham Radio Operators in Gov't

2.26.2010: FCC Issues First Ham Radio Waiver for Gov't
